5 Quick Growing Vegetables to Plant in Spring

If you are feeling the itch to grow food at home here are five quick growing veggies to plant in early spring in Columbus, Ohio. 

Once the soil is workable in spring, meaning not clumpy and water logged, it is time to start planting in your kitchen garden.


These nutrient packed seedlings are easy to grow and are ready to harvest in as little as two weeks. Plus they can be grown year round inside your house. 


Also known as rocket lettuce because it grows so quickly. The taste of this spicy green is so much better than grocery store arugula. It goes from seed to harvest in as little as 45 days. They are also very low maintenance.


Depending on the variety, these can be ready to eat in 21 days. That’s right. You can plant seeds today and be harvesting these tasty root vegetables from your kitchen garden in three weeks.


This leafy green needs and thrives in cooler temperatures making early spring the best time for planting. Direct sow seeds and enjoy your first harvest 45 days later.


The longest to mature out of the bunch, but worth the extra wait. Peas mature in as little as 60 days. I prefer sugar snaps, but the sky is the limit.

All of these plants are frost tolerant and can be planted directly in the garden without protection.

Book a garden consult now and start growing by next month.

You can also learn more about what to grow this month with our Columbus Monthly Planting Calendar.

Happy growing!


The 5 Easiest Vegetables to Grow


How to Have Easy Wins in Your Kitchen Garden